Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June 29-30, 2015- Erie Canal - Day 8 - Phoenix

Day 8.  We left Pirates Cove at 9:40 for a quick trip to Phoenix (New York, that is) arriving at 10:30.  During our quick trip, we officially left the Erie Canal and entered the Oswego Canal.  We docked at a wall in Phoenix by the first lock of the Oswego Canal.  Phoenix is nice little town with very friendly people.  There are a group of kids known as Bridge House Brats who will help dock boats, run errands, do cleaning, etc. for tips.  This is their way of earning money in the summer.  Unfortunately, it, again, was cold and rainy and there was only one young man at the shack when we arrived.  Our girls got their first lesson in watching a boat go through the locks.  We found a good restaurant for lunch and a good ice cream place – what else do you need.  By afternoon, the sun had come out and we were able to have a nice dinner on the picnic tables beside the wall and played Mexican train.  Tuesday, we woke up to a little rain (again).  We started the day with breakfast at our favorite local cafe.  Dave and Penny (Penny Penchin') arrived late morning and, after settling in, we all went to lunch.  All the girls took a long walk in the afternoon and then got ready for dinner.  Late afternoon, thunderstorms hit with some pretty loud lighting right over our boats.  It stopped long enough for a community dinner of hot dogs, beans, and pies from the local farmer's market.  A good time was had by all.

The beginning of the Oswego Canal
A "sunny" dinner on the picnic tables by the boats

Dinner time (various restaurants donate their old bread for the geese)

The mule team repositioning the boats - again

The boats along the wall

Great dinner with our crew, Jack and Jane (Spirit), and Penny and Dave (Penny Pinchin')

And then the rains came - again

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