Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 25-28, 2015 Erie Canal - Days 4-7 - Winter Harbor/Pirates Cove

Day 4:  We left Aqua Vino at 7:40, leaving Spirit behind for a few days.  We went through locks 20-22 (one up and two down – our highest elevation was 420 ft above sea level).  We docked at Winter Harbor at 3:00.  We took on fuel, pumped out, and tied up to the dock.  We had had some electrical issues and were expecting a serviceman, but he never showed.  We took the courtesy car into town for dinner and then settled in for the night.  Sno Daz, CJ and Sea Moss were also there.  Day 5:  We ran into Ted and Sarah (Manatee) at the fuel dock first thing in the morning.  We hadn't seen them since Dog River so we had a nice visit.  We again waited for the serviceman, but he never showed and Jack was able to get the power running again.  We decided to leave at 9:40 and headed for Pirates Cove arriving at 11:15. We went through lock 23 (which was to be our last lock on the Erie Canal). Pirates Cove was a very nice marina, very quiet,  pretty and the owners were extremely friendly.  We were able to use their courtesy car to get lunch, hair cuts, and a pedicure!  We also made a visit to WalMart – probably the nicest WalMart we’ve ever seen.  We were really back in civilization again with a mall and many stores.  I did laundry and we ate our leftovers from Aqua Vino for dinner.  Day 6:  I got up and did more laundry while we wanted for Spirit to arrive.  They got in around noon and we all went into town for lunch.  The girls arrived around 3:30.  Since it was 99 degrees when they left Mobile, they were not impressed by the cold and rain in New York.  Day 7:  We woke up again to cold and rain.  We did some provisioning and then all the girls spent the afternoon at WalMart and Macy's!  We had some good vegetable soup on the back deck and a few games of Uno.

Beautiful, calm waters

Our first down lock

Waiting for the lock

Crossing Oneida Lake

Ted and Sarah on Manatee

View from the bridge

Another view from the bridge

Jack and Jack bought two pipes to use as fender boards -- good thing the courtesy car had a sun roof!

Dinner at the marina restaurant

Even the geese are cold and are heading south again

After dinner entertainment - game of Uno

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