Thursday, July 30, 2015

July 28-29, 2015 - Saying goodbye to our girls

Today was chores and recovery day and, sadly, the day for the girls to get packed and get ready to leave.  Jennifer and I did laundry in the morning while the girls played.  In the afternoon we took a taxi into the city and walked around (Jennifer was still looking for souvenirs).  The girls had their final dinner in Canada and then it was back to the boat for the final packing and a final swim with the girls from Sequacious.   We left around 6:00 am to make the 6 hour trip back to Clay, NY where the truck was parked.  We loaded the truck and the girls took off, eager to get some of that 19 hour drive behind them. The girls had quite a few duties while they were with us - cooks, waitresses, maids, boat cleaners, fender cleaners, line handlers, helmsmen, and general errand girls.  We kept them busy and they were a big help in the locks.  They made a lot of friends along the way.  It was a great month and, hopefully, one they will always remember.  I know we will.  They are already trying to figure out how to top this for next summer!
Getting rid of some energy

A lot of the buildings in Midland have murals painted on the sides

Another building in Midland

6:00 am and time to leave

How did all this stuff fit in that front room??

Time for one last groupie

And off they go!

1 comment:

  1. You all have made great progress! Looks like you had a good time with family - wonderful. Our generator and freezer have died, and we are back in Brewerton, at Ess-Kay Yards, waiting for parts and a small miracle. Loved the Thousand Islands and Ontario -- wasn't Kingston great?
