Friday, July 3, 2015

July 1, 2015 - Phoenix

Oops.  We were already to leave – unplugged and untied, moving away from the dock, and the lockmaster called us on the radio to say that the canal was closed due to the heavy rains the night before.  So we tied up and plugged ourselves back in and settled down for the day.  Jack, Jack and the girls took the dinghy the few miles back to the marina where the truck was parked and brought it back here to use to run to WalMart and the grocery store.  The weather finally cleared in the afternoon so we were able to have a community dinner on the dock with Spirit, Penny Pinchin’ and Time after Time (Mark and Carolyn from Sydney, Australia and their friends John and Fran).  The Aussies arrived late morning and their friends joined them in the afternoon.  Looks like we'll all be spending a lot of time together waiting for the canal to open.  They were very friendly and very interesting, and we thoroughly enjoyed sitting around the dock with them.

Dinghy ride over to retrieve the truck

Kayla and Katie playing frisbie with the Bridge House Brats

Cooking our steak

Great dinner on the dock

A group picture - Spirit, Penny Pinchin' and Time after Time
(Kayla's getting pretty good with my new selfie stick)

Finally a beautiful sunset

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