Friday, July 10, 2015

July 9-10, 2015 - Kingston, Ontario

We left Oswego at 8:00 for a calm, somewhat hazy crossing on Lake Ontario to Kingston.  At about 11: 15, we crossed the international line into Canada.  We arrived at 2:00, made our call to clear customs, and put up our Canadian flag (we fly this as a courtesy while in Canada).  Our first stop was the Bank of Montreal to get Canadian money, then dinner, and an evening watching the Buskers, various street performers entertaining in the downtown area.  Kingston is a very vibrant town with a lot of activity.  We ran into Mark and Carolyn (our Aussie) friends again.  We have taught Carolyn to say "howdy ya'll" and it sounds really cute in her Australian language!  Mark is practicing for an international laser sailboat race this weekend.  This marina was the site of the 1976 Montreal Olympics (the sailing venue) and Mark was part of the Australian team.  After some chores around the boat on Friday, we headed back into town to do a city tour, more walking and eating, and then back to the boat.

Oswego lighthouse (it looks better at a distance)

A little game of Uno on the bridge

A hazy day on Lake Ontario

Wow - really deep water (the number on the bottom left)

Nap time

Flying our courtesy flag

First stop - Canadian money

Street performer festival

One of the performers

Performances outside city hall (beautiful flowers everywhere)

Another performer

Mark in his lazer sailboat going out for a practice run

View of Kingston from Fort Henry


One of the downtown streets of Kingston

I'm sure there's a very good story behind this street name

Final dinner at Kingston Brewery

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