Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 20, 2015 - Peterborough Lift Lock, Lakefield

Finally, after years of YouTube videos, after walking to the lock on Friday, and after taking the Lift Lock Cruise boat on Saturday, it was our turn to drive our boat into the  famous Peterborough Lift Lock.  We left Peterborough Marina and headed out on our adventure.  We had to go through one lock before the lift lock.  After a short wait, it was our turn to enter.  We pulled in with Angie and Dan (Seahorse), John and April and their kids (Sequacious), and Jack and Jane (Spirit) for our 10 minute ride to the top.  Luckily we pulled in last so we got a great look at the valley below on the way up.  All too soon we were at the top and traveled through beautiful countryside and 5 more locks before docking at Lakefield Marina for the night.  The girls went kayaking to a close by beach with Sequacious.  After a walk into town and dinner on the back deck, it was time to turn in.  It was a great day and will be a highlight of the trip.
Approaching the Peterborough Lift Lock

All ready to go - with Seahorse, Sequacious and Spirit

One last look at ground level

Angie and Dan

April, John and Kate

We're going up

At the top

Last look at the valley below

The visitor's center

Time to leave the lock

One of the narrow channels

Ice cream treat after we docked at Fairfield Marina - JJ, Kayla, Allie, Kate, and Katie

Docked at Lakefield Marina

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