Thursday, July 30, 2015

July 28-29, 2015 - Saying goodbye to our girls

Today was chores and recovery day and, sadly, the day for the girls to get packed and get ready to leave.  Jennifer and I did laundry in the morning while the girls played.  In the afternoon we took a taxi into the city and walked around (Jennifer was still looking for souvenirs).  The girls had their final dinner in Canada and then it was back to the boat for the final packing and a final swim with the girls from Sequacious.   We left around 6:00 am to make the 6 hour trip back to Clay, NY where the truck was parked.  We loaded the truck and the girls took off, eager to get some of that 19 hour drive behind them. The girls had quite a few duties while they were with us - cooks, waitresses, maids, boat cleaners, fender cleaners, line handlers, helmsmen, and general errand girls.  We kept them busy and they were a big help in the locks.  They made a lot of friends along the way.  It was a great month and, hopefully, one they will always remember.  I know we will.  They are already trying to figure out how to top this for next summer!
Getting rid of some energy

A lot of the buildings in Midland have murals painted on the sides

Another building in Midland

6:00 am and time to leave

How did all this stuff fit in that front room??

Time for one last groupie

And off they go!

July 27, 2015 - The Big Chute (more pictures)

Here are more pictures taken by Kay of Plane 2 Sea as we were going through the Big Chute.  They are great pictures.  We are the second boat - Tumbleweed is the first.

And off we go!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 26-27, 2015 - The Big Chute

We left Bridge Port Marina at 8:00.  We only had two locks to go through but ended up waiting about an hour at each lock.  A rule of thumb for Loopers is never travel on a weekend and today was a good example of that.  There were weekenders all over the place.  We did enjoy some very beautiful scenery though.  We got to the Big Chute around 3:00, tied up at the free dock, and walked around watching the loading and unloading of boats.  Instead of a regular lock, the Big Chute is a rail car with straps that pulls the boat out of the water and transports it by rail over a hill to the water below.  After dinner, we moved to the blue line (the waiting line for locks) so we could be first in the morning.  Plane 2 Sea and Tumbleweed were behind us.  On Monday morning, everyone got up, got ready, and at a little after 9:00 they called Tumbleweed into the Chute first, and then us.  However, when we got in, they were having electrical issues and we had to back out and go back to the blue line.  Eventually Tumbleweed backed out and rafted to us while we waited for an electrician.  At 2:30 (a mere 5-1/2 hours later) the problem was solved, and we once again were able to enter and take our ride over  the hill to the water below.  It was an absolutely amazing sight.  We then went through our last lock and out into Georgian Bay. After going through 43 locks (2 lift locks and the Big Chute), we were done with the Trent Severn.  It was an absolutely beautiful experience.  We then made our way to Bay Port Marina in Midland around 5:00 and settled in.
Beautiful, clear water 6 feet under the boat

Solid rock walls all along this part of the Trent Severn
(sold rocks under the water too!)

Narrow canals

Busy boating weekend

Wow - this is a deep lock

More rock cliffs

The Big Chute!!

Loading a boat at the bottom

Yeah -- it's our turn to go in!!
(unfortunately our view was blocked by the boat in front of us)

Tumbleweed safely tucked in

We all sat on the bow of the boat for the ride over the hill

Yip - we're completely out of the water

We're the second boat
(thanks Martha from Aunt Aggie for the last 4 pictures)

Going up the hill

Getting ready to go down

Almost there - what a ride!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 24-25, 2015 - Fenelon Falls, Kirkfield, Orillia

We left Bobcaygeon at 7:30 and got to the Fenelon Falls lock a little after 9. Unfortunately, the lock had a leaky valve and we were told it would be a while before it was fixed, so we docked and went into town for breakfast.  By the time we were finished, the lock was working.  Field Trip and Patriot were already in the lock, so we went in the next one.  When we went through the Rosedale lock (No. 35), we were 820 feet above sea level, our highest point.  This was to be our last “up” lock.  After that lock we entered the Trent Canal which was very narrow.  The Kirkfield lift lock was our first down lock.  This lock was like the Peterborough lock, only with a smaller drop (only 49').  In this lock we entered above the canal and had a great view below from the bow of the boat.  Jack and Jennifer weren't impressed!  We docked on the wall at the bottom for the night.  Field Trip and Patriot were already there and joined us for docktails.  Another boater came through making a big wake which did some damage to our boat.  Now we have to deal with a Canadian insurance company!  We left Kirkfield around 8:00 on Saturday to continue our trip on the Trent Canal and through Lake Simcoe.  We went through 5 locks today before docking at Bridge Port Marina in Orillia.  It hit us today that we only have 4 locks left on the Trent Severn!

All signs in Canada are in English and French

Fenelon Falls

At the Fenelon Falls lock waiting to enter

Our last "up" lock - we are now 820 feet above sea level

The Trent Canal is very narrow and beautiful

Looking down from the Kirkfield Lift Lock (about 49 feet)

Boat damage - Ugh

Despite the boat damage, we still had our docktails - (from left: Jennifer, Chuck
and Vicky (Patriot) and Bob and Martha (Field Trip)

View of the boats from the other side of the canal

The Kirkfield Lift Lock - smaller than the Peterborough Lift Lock

Hole in the Wall Bridge

Passing beautiful farmlands

The girls on pumpout duty - they were not impressed

The water is so clear - those rocks are under water