Thursday, April 2, 2015

March 25-April 2, 2015 - Road Trip

While the boat was out of the water for repairs, we rented a car and took a road trip - first stopping in Mobile for the night, on to Houston, back to Mobile, to Niceville, and back to Jacksonville.  Whew!  Long trip - many miles! It was a great trip though.  We got to see all our family and celebrate some birthdays -- my sister's and Jack's mom (she turned 90).  When we came back on Sunday, the boat was back in the water so we were back to normal.  Monday we took another short road trip to visit some little college in Gainesville (although it's not as little as it was when Jack left in 1974).  After 12 days in Jacksonville, all the repairs are completed and we are finally able to leave for our next leg.  Our next stop will be Brunswick, Georgia.

Happy birthday Susan

90th birthday - 4 generations

A walk down memory lane

Had to restock his t-shirt supply

Back in the water

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