Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015 - Norfolk

Today was another trip down memory lane with a trip to Norfolk with Danny and June.  Danny and Jack were stationed at Norfolk some 40 years ago.  We found the apartment where June and Danny lived (and their first house), but weren't able to find Jack's apartment.  We drove all around the base while Jack and Danny relived their Navy days.  We found their barracks but the hangar where they worked was no longer there.  We passed the helicopter pad, the USS George H W Bush, quite a few destroyers, and one submarine.  Norfolk is the largest Navy base .  We finished the tour with a good lunch at Olive Garden and then back to the boat.  (There would have been more pictures if it hadn't been raining.)

Entrance to the Naval Station

Helicopter pad

USS George H W Bush

USS George H W Bush

Some of the destroyers at the base

Tugs helping oiler to dock

1 comment:

  1. What a great job of posting the adventures. Thanks Patty!
    David Richards from BAPWA
