Monday, April 20, 2015

April 16-18, 2015 - Myrtle Beach

The weather was questionable for the day and we didn’t feel comfortable with our anchorage at Bullins Creek (too narrow) so we left at 7:48 and traveled an hour and anchored at Sandhoe Creek for the day (which was a little wider).  We left Sandhoe Creek at 7:30 Friday and docked at a relatively new free city dock in Myrtle Beach at 11:25.  There were several shopping areas within walking distance.  We took our cart to WalMart on Friday and filled it with groceries.  We did some shopping at Bass Pro on Saturday, walked around the mall, and then had lunch at Hooters.  We spent the rest of the day relaxing around the boat .  The dock was also by a boat launch and by Saturday afternoon the sun was out and the boaters were hitting the water.  We had docktails Saturday night with Robert and Corinne (Ariel) who had tied up at the dock that afternoon.  They are also Loopers and we had an enjoyable time exchanging stories and information. 

Our Thursday night anchorage

One of the many beautiful golf courses along the way

A FREE dock,

A WalMart and

Bass Pro - life doesn't get any better!

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