Sunday, April 5, 2015

April 2-5, 2015 - Brunswick, Georgia

All the work was done, the bill paid, and we finally left Huckins Marina and Jacksonville around 8:45 Thursday and headed to Brunswick, Georgia.  Our route took us by Amelia Island and Fernandino Beach.  The rivers were winding and the scenery was mostly flat marshland.  We anchored at 3:50 that afternoon at Shellbine Creek and enjoyed a nice quiet evening and were visited by many dolphins coming into the river to find food.  We left Shellbine Creek at 7:55 Friday and arrived at Brunswick Landing Marina at 10:40.  Brunswick is a very cute little town and is a short walk from the marina.  We spent Friday night walking through the downtown area visiting various merchants who offered wine and snacks in their stores and then celebrated our anniversary with a nice dinner.  Saturday morning we walked a few blocks to a farmers market and then walked through some streets of Brunswick filled with old Victorian homes.  On Sunday, the marina had a nice Easter dinner complete with games for all the boat owners.  The food was good and the games really fun.  The marina has many get togethers for the boaters.  We met a few people at the marina and spent some time with them after the party.

March 31, 2015 statistics:  Days on the loop - 82; total miles - 1,623.5; total gallons of fuel - 1025.2.
Scenery on the way to Brunswick

Another view from the bridge

Sunset over Shellbine River

Anniversary dinner -- 34 years!

Presbyterian Church in Brunswick

One of the older homes

another Victorian house

Old Kress building downtown

Another downtown building

Lighthouse by the marina

Easter party at the marina clubhouse

Trying to fish with a plastic rod and goggles that had been blacked out

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