Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 22-24, 2015 - Jacksonville

We've spent our few days in Jacksonville running errands, doing laundry, and catching up on our affairs.  There was a shopping center a little more than half a mile from the marina, so we made several trips on foot and, at times, used the marina courtesy car.  On Tuesday, we had a visit from Reggie and Emmy (M.E. Lou II), friends from Biloxi who are also doing the Loop.  We watched as the boat was hauled out of the water to have some work done while we take a few days and travel west to Mobile, Houston, and back to Niceville to see family and celebrate birthdays - Jack's mother will turn 90; my sister - welllllll!


Nothing sadder than a boat out of water

Emmy and Reggie

Our second story condo

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