Monday, April 20, 2015

April 14-15, 2015 - Georgetown, SC

We left Charleston at 8:00.  It had rained during the night and was cloudy most of the day.  Water was pretty shallow a good part of the way and we really had to watch where we were going.  We anchored at 1:50 at Minum Creek just as it was starting to rain and settled in for the evening.  We left  Minum Creek at 7:45 Wednesday morning and arrived at Georgetown at  9:15.  It started raining just as we were docking at the city dock. Georgetown is another small town full of history.  We went through the maritime museum, various stores, and sought refuge from the rain at a little coffee shop.  After the rain let up, we walked around looking at the old, historic homes.  We then had lunch, walked a little more, and left.  We anchored at Bullins Creek at 4:15.  It was fairly chilly and the sweatpants came out as soon as we docked. 

View from the bridge

Georgetown city dock

Historic home built circa 1765

Harbor walk by Georgetown

Historic home circa 1737

At the city dock

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