Monday, April 20, 2015

April 19-20, 2015 - Southport, NC

We left Myrtle Beach around 7:25 and arrived at Southport Marina at 1:15.  The scenery has changed from the marshes of the Lowcountry to beautiful homes, trees and flowers along the ICW.  We paralleled the Atlantic for a good part of the day and could see an almost continuous line of condos facing the Atlantic.  It was rainy when we got to Southport so I did laundry and Jack attended a weather briefing.  We noticed Average Looper on our dock and went by to visit Mark and Jane.  We had seen them at the Fall Rendezvous and at Fort Myers Beach.  The next morning Mark drove us to a restaurant for breakfast, and we then walked around the town.  We took an interesting golf cart tour of the town.  Many TV shows and movies have used this area for filming.  We saw the house used as Matlock’s residence in the TV show.  The movie Safe Haven was filed here and we saw many of the locations used in that film.  The azaleas were in full bloom and were beautiful.

Condos facing the Atlantic

Many of the condos facing the ICW

Houses approaching Southport

Southport, North Carolina

One of many beautiful parks full of azaleas

Another park full of azaleas

House used in the Matlock TV show

Basin area of Southport full of restaurants

Fort Johnston - now the Visitor's center

View from the Visitor's Center

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