Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 29, 2015 - Elizabeth City

Today was cleaning and errand day.  While Jack cleaned the boat, I did laundry, took a bag of clothes to Goodwill, replenished our $5 (tips) and quarters (laundry) supply, and got a pedicure.  We kept in touch with Aunt Aggie during the day as they approached Elizabeth City and were at the dock when they came in along with several other boats – Ariel, Diva Di, Zenda, Tranquility.  We helped them with their lines and then visited with the new arrivals.  We were invited to happy hour on Aunt Aggie then then walked across the street for dinner with George and Martha (Aunt Aggie) and Duane and Diane (Diva Di).

Duane & Diane (Diva Di) and George & Martha (Aunt Aggie)

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