Saturday, June 10, 2017

June 7-9, 2017 - St. Jerome's Creek, Solomons

We left our anchorage around 8:00 and headed toward the Chesapeake.  The day was cloudy and windy and, once we hit the Chesapeake, the waters got pretty rough.  We think it was the roughest water we had ever been in.  After a while, we decided this wasn't for us and found shelter for the night in St. Jerome's Creek, which was still a little wavy.  We then had to pick up everything that had fallen. We spent the afternoon listening to the Coast Guard searching for an overturned vessel and people in the water.  I think they found most of the people but the helicopter was still flying around Thursday morning looking for the last person and a Coast Guard cutter was still searching for the boat.  Thursday was a better day, so we headed to Calvert Marina in Solomons.  Our first disappointment was that the courtesy car we were expecting to use to run errands had died, so we had to rely on Burt's Taxi.  We ran errands to Walgreens, the grocery store and then spent the rest of the day doing chores around the boat.  Thursday we took a dinghy ride around the area and then went to the Calvert Marine Museum.  The museum had exhibits covering every aspect of marine life.  First up was a tour through the Drum Point Lighthouse which had been relocated to the museum grounds.  It is a cottage style lighthouse which was home to many families over the years.  Next was a trip around Back Creek and Patuxent River aboard the Wm. B. Tennison which was built in 1899 (because we don't ever get to ride around in a boat).  We then wandered through all the exhibits at the museum.  There was a display of old boats dating back to the first canoes that were built from tree trunks. When we returned to the boat, we noticed a looper boat in so we invited them to the boat for a few minutes and we all then went out to dinner.  Don and Helen (Sea Honey) are from Canada and are on the last portion of their loop.  It was a delightful evening with a full moon shining on us on our way back to the boat.

This is what rough waters will do - what a mess

Coast Guard Cutter looking for the overturned boat

Entering Solomons Island

St. Peter's Episcopal Church built in 1889

A large family of ducks swimming around

Solomons is one marina after another
Entrance to the Calvert Marine Museum

The Drum Point Lighthouse

One of the rooms inside the lighthouse

Solomons from our boat tour

One of the many exhibits - a turtle and crab

There were two sea otters

This beautiful cardinal happened to come by while we were walking around

The Wm. B. Tennison - we took a one hour tour around the area

Dinner with Helen and Don

Beautiful full moon for our dinghy ride back to the boat

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