Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 13-15, 2017 - Cambridge, Maryland, Bench Creek

We left Tangier Tuesday around 7:00 for one of our longest days on the water - 75 miles.  We docked at a free dock by the county offices in Cambridge around 4:30.  The trip up the Chesapeake was fairly calm and the Choptank River (only those who have read James Michener's "Chesapeake" will recognize that name) was very smooth and pretty.  Wednesday morning we went into the county offices to check on bus schedules to get to WalMart.  After the city manager got through laughing (evidently the bus system isn't too reliable), he found a employee to take us to WalMart.  Once again, the people we have met in these towns have been extremely accommodating.  They just can't do enough for us.  After going to the store, we spent the rest of the day walking around the town looking at the historic buildings.  About 3:30 that afternoon, we discovered that a fuel line was busted to the generator.  Luckily, there was a boat repair yard right across from us, so within 30 minutes, we had called them and moved over to their docks.  Thursday morning, the repairman came, fixed the problem, and after a lot of clean-up, we were on our way.  We found a beautiful anchorage at Bench Creek for the night and enjoyed the afternoon relaxing and looking at the scenery. 

One of the many lighthouses along Chesapeake Bay

Beautiful, smooth Choptank River

This Episcopal Church was built in 1883
(the front, round window is a Tiffany window)

This was completed in 1888 and is said to be one of the
finest Queen Anne style houses in Cambridge
(now it's a funeral parlor)

Earliest surviving office building (a law office) built in 1800

Some of the Victorian homes along the main street

Choptank River lighthouse

Docked outside the county building

Looking across the harbor

Our beautiful anchorage at Bench Creek

Another view

Dinner with a view

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