Friday, June 9, 2017

June 5-6, 2017 - St. Mary's

We left Reedville around 7:45 for a cloudy, sometimes rainy day on the water.  After about an hour, we crossed the line into Maryland.  We entered the Potomac River and then up the St. Mary's River.  We anchored in Pagant Cove by St. Mary's around 11:30.  Since rain was predicted during the day, we just stayed put on the boat.  We woke up Tuesday to a bright sunny day, so got the dinghy down and headed in to explore Historic St. Mary's City.  We stopped here two years and just walked around the campus of St. Mary's College.  St. Mary's, the first capital of Maryland, was established in 1634.  It was very interesting to see the way this historic town was laid out with a town center in the middle, a chapel on one side and state house on the other representing the division of church and state at that time.  We saw a demonstration on an old printing press, we walked through an Indian village with demonstrations of how they built boats back then from trees, and we got to tour the Dove, which was one of the first boats bringing settlers to this country.  St. Mary's College was founded in 1840 and started as an all-girls school.  Today it is a liberal arts college with one of the nation's topped rank sailing teams.  The campus overlooks the St. Mary's River and is absolutely beautiful.

A cloudy start to our day

This barn was used for preparing tobacco for shipping

The old chapel at one end of the town

An old fashioned printing press - we saw a demonstration of how
printing was done

Inside one of the Indian huts - drying animal skins

A part of the Indian village

The deck of the Dove

The Maryland Dove
This is a reconstructed state house that was originally built in 1676

The meeting room inside the state house

One of the classroom buildings

Trinity Church built in 1642

The Student Union

A look across part of the campus

Their sailboats

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