Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 22-24, 201 - St. Michaels, Maryland

We left with Patriot around 8:00, and after a stop for a pumpout, we were on our way to St. Michaels and Patriot was headed to Annapolis.  After a really pleasant trip, we anchored at St. Michaels around 12:30 (the same place where we anchored two years ago) in front of the Inn at Perry Cabin, a beautiful bead and breakfast resort.  We docked the dinghy at the city dock and walked the town for a while.  Then after an early dinner, we took the dinghy over to Muskrat Park to listen to a live concert.  It was a very pleasant evening, although what the band lacked in talent they made up for in enthusiasm.  At least we recognized most of the songs they sang.  We woke up to rain Friday morning, so we waited until close to noon to go into town.  We did some shopping in the stores, ate a very good lunch, I got a haircut, and we then went back to the boat for the rest of the night.  The next morning  we went into town again for breakfast and a stop at the farmer's market.  Then it was off to our next anchorage.

Goodbye Patriot - safe travels!

Leaving Oxford

Beautiful Inn at Perry Cabin
Anchored in front

Getting ready for the concert

Watching from the dinghy

Replica of the schooner used by John Smith when he explored
the Chesapeake in 1608

Cute shops along the main street

More shops

This cute little wagon was for sale in front of one of
the stores - $2,100

Beautiful tall ship came into the Maritime Museum

Another Patriot

A small, but nice farmer's market

Another look as we were leaving the Inn at Perry Cabin

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