Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 16-19, Deale, Maryland

We once again had generator problems Friday morning, so we left our beautiful anchorage around 6:30 for a three hour run back across the Chesapeake to Herrington Harbour North in Deale, MD.  On the way, we contacted a repairman who said he would be there Saturday morning.  The highlight of our four day stay was that we discovered that our friends Vicky and Chuck (Patriot) were in the area working on their boat that they left in Maryland last summer.  We contacted them and they drove over to have lunch with us on Friday.  It was really great seeing them again.  We spent the remainder of the afternoon making a grocery run and spending time at the beautiful pool (and doing laundry). This is a huge, beautiful marina.  We spent four days here just relaxing around the boat and hanging out at the pool.  Saturday night the marina held a Jimmy Buffet party serving margaritas and cheeseburgers and showing a video of his performance in Las Vegas.  It was a nice evening spent talking to several local boaters.  Sunday we celebrated Father's Day with a nice breakfast, complete with mimosas, and a nice dinghy ride around the farmlands.

Lunch with Vicky and Chuck

A long walk out to the end of the dock

Beautiful marina - nice sidewalks everywhere

The pool - even had a bar set up on the weekend

Lots and lots of flowers around

This is the entrance to the pool

And more beautiful hydrangeas

Nice playground and picnic tables

Life is good if there's a West Marine on the grounds

Our view out into the Chesapeake Bay

Just one marina after another

A dinghy ride through the Maryland farmlands

A pretty farm house

An old barn in the middle of a field
Some of the homes along the waterway

Sitting at the end of the dock

Not sure what this is - I was sitting on the back deck when it went by

Summer is here - the dark screens have not been put on

Finally the rain they've been promising for four days

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