Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 4, 2017 - Reedville, VA

We left our anchorage at Urbanna around 8:00 am for a 3-1/2 hour run to Reedville.  It was fairly windy so the Chesapeake was a little rough today.  After anchoring, we took the dinghy to a dock by a restaurant where we had a pretty good lunch.  Reedville was built on the menhaden fishing industry in 1874.  We visited the Reedville Fishermen's Museum and watched a movie showing how these fish are caught.  Large fishing boats locate schools of these fish, then two smaller boats are launched from the main boat.  These two boats spread a huge net in a circle, catching the fish.  They are then transferred to the main fishing boat.  They have no edible value so they are used for fish meal and fish oil.  Boat building is also a big activity of the town.  The homes along the main street are all in the National Register of Historic Places and are all very beautiful.  After our historic afternoon, we had a very delicious ice cream cone at Chitterchat's.  We then took a dinghy ride around the little creeks running throughout the area and then back to the boat.

The start of our afternoon - a really good lunch

Several of the historic, Victoria style homes

The Reed house circa 1888 - founder of the town

Circa 1884

These are smaller versions of the boats used to catch the menhaden fish
These fish are also caught in nets that are attached to these sticks out in the Bay

A sample of some of the products made with the fish grain - If you look
closely you'll see Chef's Blend and Fancy Feast cat food

This was a floating theater back in 1914

The Walker House - original house in Reedville

These guys still bill boats which they auction off

After all the history, a stop at Chitterchats
Yummy- perfect ending to a great day

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