Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 24-27, 2017 - Hunting Creek, Wye Island, Kent Narrows

We left St. Michaels and just went around the corner to a nice anchorage at Hunting Creek and just relaxed the rest of the day.  Sunday we woke up to several crabbers running around the area.  This is their livelihood in this area and they are all over the place.  We left our anchorage and headed to an anchorage on the east side of Wye Island at Dividing Creek.  This rates at one of the top anchorages where we have stayed.  It was absolutely beautiful.  We took the dinghy down and went around part of the island.  There is a park on this little island, but we couldn't find any place to leave the dinghy to go ashore so we just sat in a little cove and ate our lunch.  By late that afternoon about 6 other boats had come into the anchorage.  Monday we went around to the other side of the island and anchored at Drum Point.  This was a little more open, but still very beautiful.  We packed a lunch and headed to the park.  We were able to beach the dinghy and have a nice picnic lunch in the park.  We then spent some time hiking along the trails.  Tuesday we, sadly, left for another quick day (about an hour and a half) to Prospect Bay at Kent Narrows.  After being chased from a spot by a crabber because we were over his line, we anchored and took the dinghy into the town for lunch (which wasn't that great).  We then went to fill the dinghy with gas and on our way back to the boat, the motor stopped.  I think we got some bad gas,  We had to call TowBoat US to tow us back to the boat.  It's a good thing we pay for unlimited towing!  After all that excitement, we settled down as a storm with fairly strong winds whipped through.  It only lasted a few minutes and we didn't get much rain out of it, just a lot of wind.

Our anchorage at Hunting Creek

Another view of Hunting Creek

Beautiful sunrise with a few crabber boats in the picture

On our way to Dividing Creek, Wye Island

Having a nice lunch in a cove sitting in the dinghy

Yummy - cinnamon raisin bread
(it makes the boat smell sooo good)

One end of the Diving Creek anchorage - with a few neighbors

The other end with a few more neighbors

Our picnic at Wye Island Park

A lot of large corn fields throughout the park

Part of the hiking trails

Overlooking the water from a cliff - the boat is a
little white dot in the water

Fresh raspberries - they were pretty good

Our anchorage at Drum Point - on the west side of Wye Island

More of the island

This is the tall ship that came into St. Michaels - must be a charter
because they spent the night

Beautiful sunset

Lunch at Kent Narrows

Being towed back to the boat

Here comes the rain - fortunately most of it missed us

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