Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 24-27, 2017 - Hunting Creek, Wye Island, Kent Narrows

We left St. Michaels and just went around the corner to a nice anchorage at Hunting Creek and just relaxed the rest of the day.  Sunday we woke up to several crabbers running around the area.  This is their livelihood in this area and they are all over the place.  We left our anchorage and headed to an anchorage on the east side of Wye Island at Dividing Creek.  This rates at one of the top anchorages where we have stayed.  It was absolutely beautiful.  We took the dinghy down and went around part of the island.  There is a park on this little island, but we couldn't find any place to leave the dinghy to go ashore so we just sat in a little cove and ate our lunch.  By late that afternoon about 6 other boats had come into the anchorage.  Monday we went around to the other side of the island and anchored at Drum Point.  This was a little more open, but still very beautiful.  We packed a lunch and headed to the park.  We were able to beach the dinghy and have a nice picnic lunch in the park.  We then spent some time hiking along the trails.  Tuesday we, sadly, left for another quick day (about an hour and a half) to Prospect Bay at Kent Narrows.  After being chased from a spot by a crabber because we were over his line, we anchored and took the dinghy into the town for lunch (which wasn't that great).  We then went to fill the dinghy with gas and on our way back to the boat, the motor stopped.  I think we got some bad gas,  We had to call TowBoat US to tow us back to the boat.  It's a good thing we pay for unlimited towing!  After all that excitement, we settled down as a storm with fairly strong winds whipped through.  It only lasted a few minutes and we didn't get much rain out of it, just a lot of wind.

Our anchorage at Hunting Creek

Another view of Hunting Creek

Beautiful sunrise with a few crabber boats in the picture

On our way to Dividing Creek, Wye Island

Having a nice lunch in a cove sitting in the dinghy

Yummy - cinnamon raisin bread
(it makes the boat smell sooo good)

One end of the Diving Creek anchorage - with a few neighbors

The other end with a few more neighbors

Our picnic at Wye Island Park

A lot of large corn fields throughout the park

Part of the hiking trails

Overlooking the water from a cliff - the boat is a
little white dot in the water

Fresh raspberries - they were pretty good

Our anchorage at Drum Point - on the west side of Wye Island

More of the island

This is the tall ship that came into St. Michaels - must be a charter
because they spent the night

Beautiful sunset

Lunch at Kent Narrows

Being towed back to the boat

Here comes the rain - fortunately most of it missed us

June 22-24, 201 - St. Michaels, Maryland

We left with Patriot around 8:00, and after a stop for a pumpout, we were on our way to St. Michaels and Patriot was headed to Annapolis.  After a really pleasant trip, we anchored at St. Michaels around 12:30 (the same place where we anchored two years ago) in front of the Inn at Perry Cabin, a beautiful bead and breakfast resort.  We docked the dinghy at the city dock and walked the town for a while.  Then after an early dinner, we took the dinghy over to Muskrat Park to listen to a live concert.  It was a very pleasant evening, although what the band lacked in talent they made up for in enthusiasm.  At least we recognized most of the songs they sang.  We woke up to rain Friday morning, so we waited until close to noon to go into town.  We did some shopping in the stores, ate a very good lunch, I got a haircut, and we then went back to the boat for the rest of the night.  The next morning  we went into town again for breakfast and a stop at the farmer's market.  Then it was off to our next anchorage.

Goodbye Patriot - safe travels!

Leaving Oxford

Beautiful Inn at Perry Cabin
Anchored in front

Getting ready for the concert

Watching from the dinghy

Replica of the schooner used by John Smith when he explored
the Chesapeake in 1608

Cute shops along the main street

More shops

This cute little wagon was for sale in front of one of
the stores - $2,100

Beautiful tall ship came into the Maritime Museum

Another Patriot

A small, but nice farmer's market

Another look as we were leaving the Inn at Perry Cabin

Friday, June 23, 2017

June 20-21, 2017, Oxford, Maryland

By noon the repairs to the generator were done and we were on our way to Oxford to see Chuck and Vicky again.  The three hour trip across the Bay was very smooth and pleasant.  We docked next to Patriot at the Oxford Yacht Agency, a small marina.  Chuck and Vicky helped with our lines and then, of course, it was docktail time.  We spent an enjoyable evening on the back deck.  First up Wednesday was fueling both boats from a fuel truck that comes to the marina once a week. We then went into Easton for a late breakfast, a tour around Oxford, and then a little later went for a good lunch at Capsize (the "i" is upside down in the name).  I got the breadmaker out in the afternoon to make bread for Vicky and Chuck.  Later I took time to walk around the city of Oxford.  The town dates back to 1683 as the first port of entry on the Eastern Shore.  The town has been called "picture perfect" and it is.  All the homes are large with beautiful grounds around them.  After a few stops at some of the stores, it was again time for docktails followed by a walk to the ice cream store.  All in all a very fun day.

Watching bread rise

Patriot and Nearly Perfect together again

Hangin' with Vicky and Chuck

Robert Morris Inn - one of the early wealthy patrons of the town
(built in 1710)

These are painted fence posts - you see them all over town

I just love these Maryland homes
(if you look closely, you'll see a little bunny in the yard)

Since Oxford is on a peninsula, most homes have a water view

Another nice home with a water view

Church of the Holy Trinity,  Episcopal Church

Docktails - it's what we do best

We saw this little bunny on our walk to get ice cream. He didn't
even try to run away as we approached.

I think this is a two-story tiny house

End of a great day - ice cream!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 16-19, Deale, Maryland

We once again had generator problems Friday morning, so we left our beautiful anchorage around 6:30 for a three hour run back across the Chesapeake to Herrington Harbour North in Deale, MD.  On the way, we contacted a repairman who said he would be there Saturday morning.  The highlight of our four day stay was that we discovered that our friends Vicky and Chuck (Patriot) were in the area working on their boat that they left in Maryland last summer.  We contacted them and they drove over to have lunch with us on Friday.  It was really great seeing them again.  We spent the remainder of the afternoon making a grocery run and spending time at the beautiful pool (and doing laundry). This is a huge, beautiful marina.  We spent four days here just relaxing around the boat and hanging out at the pool.  Saturday night the marina held a Jimmy Buffet party serving margaritas and cheeseburgers and showing a video of his performance in Las Vegas.  It was a nice evening spent talking to several local boaters.  Sunday we celebrated Father's Day with a nice breakfast, complete with mimosas, and a nice dinghy ride around the farmlands.

Lunch with Vicky and Chuck

A long walk out to the end of the dock

Beautiful marina - nice sidewalks everywhere

The pool - even had a bar set up on the weekend

Lots and lots of flowers around

This is the entrance to the pool

And more beautiful hydrangeas

Nice playground and picnic tables

Life is good if there's a West Marine on the grounds

Our view out into the Chesapeake Bay

Just one marina after another

A dinghy ride through the Maryland farmlands

A pretty farm house

An old barn in the middle of a field
Some of the homes along the waterway

Sitting at the end of the dock

Not sure what this is - I was sitting on the back deck when it went by

Summer is here - the dark screens have not been put on

Finally the rain they've been promising for four days