Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 20, 2017 - A day with Jonathan and Rosa

We said goodbye to Mark and Susan at about 8:30 and dropped our anchor around 11:30 just south of Melbourne.  We took the dinghy down and headed to Honest John's Fish Camp for a very fun (and educational) day with Jonathan and Rosa.  We spent several days with them in 2015.  They travel in a 25 foot C-Dory, Salty (a platinum looper).  Salty can travel just about anywhere and we never knew where we might run into them.  Jonathan's family owns Honest John's Fish Camp which was started as a government homestead in 1887 by his grandfather.  At first, they were farmers and their produce was shipped to the White House during Franklin Roosevelt's administration.  Today it is a Fish Camp operated by Jonathan and his family.  The Fish Camp rents boats, kayaks and has several fishing/wildlife guides.  The first order of business was lunch.  Capt. Clark (one of the guides) took us, including Jonathan's mother, Barbara, to The Old Fish House for a very good lunch.  After the boat ride, we walked around the property visiting various dogs, Lulu, the pig, and the chicken coop.  We then hopped into the car for a trip south on Hwy. 1A1 to the Sebastian Inlet.  Most of the area was a state park so it was quite beautiful. At times we had the ICW on one side and the Atlantic on the other.  We then said goodbye, although we will probably see them this summer.  They plan to continue their travels beginning mid-April.  We then headed back to our boat and enjoyed our anchorage for the evening.

Along the way - I remember this house from two years ago

Jonathan (hidden), Capt. Clark and Jack

Lunch with the group

Our boat ride back


My attempt at feeding the chickens

Salty - getting ready for her next adventure

Rosa's large parrot

Barbara's home

Jonathan and Rosa

Our anchorage

Beautiful sunset to end a great day

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