Sunday, March 12, 2017

January 20, 2017 - Looper-palooza

Our Ft. Myers stay started with Looper-palooza, a two-day event for gold loopers and wannabe loopers.  The first night was a cocktail and dinner party for everyone, and Saturday was just for the gold loopers.  We had a great time visiting with friends we had not seen in a while - Marv and Connie (Sadie Too), King and Sharon (Blue Moon), Andy and Cathy (Dream Fever), Chuck and Vicky (Patriot), Jane and Dave (Biscuit), Clark and Evelyn (Sea Moss).  Our Saturday lunch was a mix of gold loopers with wannabe loopers.   Chuck, Vicky, Jack and I sat with five wannabes and answered as many questions as we could.  There were seminars Saturday on RVing, cruising to Cuba, and selling your boat (which we didn't care about).  Both Friday and Saturday nights we had docktails on our boat after the dinners.  It was great to see a lot of the people we traveled with in 2015.

Marv, Connie, Chuck, Vicky and Jack

The after party with Jane and Dave

After party with Marv, Connie, Chuck, Vicky, and Jack


Marv and Connie

Chuck and Vicky

Another group picture

King and Sharon

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