Sunday, March 12, 2017

February 12, 2017 - Edison Festival of Lights

Edison and Ford both had summer homes here in Ft. Myers.  Every year on Edison's birthday, there is a big celebration in town.  On Sunday, the 12th, there was a Children's Parade through downtown Fort Myers.  All the floats had children from all the various schools and organizations in the area.  On Tuesday, we were heading to Ford's Garage for lunch and ran into Clay and Sal (SaSea Sally), so we had another big group for lunch.  On Friday night, Wally, Darcy, Rob, Tricia, King, Sharon and us headed out for a nice dinner at Bruno's of New York.  This is a very small, New York style restaurant.  All the food is made fresh and was delicious.  We ended the week on Sunday with the Edison Parade of Lights.  This is a huge parade and came right by our boat, so we had great seats.  At the end of the parade we were treated to a great fireworks show.

A long parade of decorated wagons filled with kids

Getting toward the end

A few miniature horses

Watching the parade - David, Jack, Wally, Rob
(Darcy, Kim and Tricia in the background)

This was a group of  young cloggers

Inside the bathroom at Ford's Garage
(Sal is taking the picture)

Our lunch group - Rob, Tricia, Wally, Darcy, Sal, Clay, and us

Having a nice dinner out at Bruno's of New York
(also with Wally, Darcy, King, Sharon, Rob and Tricia)
The parade really draws a crowd - that's our group on the inside walkway

Docktails and snacks before the parade
It wouldn't be an Edison parade without the big lightbulb float

One of the many lighted floats

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