Sunday, March 12, 2017

January 15, 2017 - Ft. Myers

We left our anchorage at 7:30 and headed to Ft. Myers.  We entered the Caloosahatchee River (or the Miserable Mile as it is called) that takes us into Ft. Myers.  Unfortunately, we were traveling on a Sunday and there were a lot of boaters on the water traveling in all different directions.  We made it to Fort Myers Yacht Basin around 12:30 and were met at the dock by Barb and Ross.  After settling into our slip, we all went out to lunch. We had not seen them since leaving Ft. Myers last year. As we were pulling into our slip, we noticed that Blue Moon was a few slips down from us.  We had not seen King and Sharon since June 2015 in New York, so it was great to see them again.  We had docktails that night with Tim and Karen (Let it Ride) and Rob and Glenda (Monterey).  We spent time with both couples when they came through Bluewater.  As a bonus, Jan and Larry (Panacea - we introduced them to Barb and Ross and they all looped together in 2014) were in town so it was great to see them.  We will stay in Ft. Myers until March 15.  The marina is only two blocks from the busy downtown area with many restaurants and shops.  Plus, there are always some festivities on the weekends - art shows, car shows, music shows.  It's a very fun little town.  Plus the marina is full of loopers so there will be a lot of docktails.

We had a lot of dolphins escorting us to Ft. Myers

Some put on quite a show

We never get tired of seeing them

Good friends Larry and Jan, Barb and Ross

What a group - us, Russ and Elaine, Barb and Ross, Jan and Larry

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