Sunday, March 12, 2017

January 24, 2017 - Large Looper Gathering

Ft. Myers is all about looper gatherings.  On Tuesday, John and Kathy (Serenity) came into town (they weren't able to make it for looper-palooza).  Also in town were Dan and Angie (Sea Horse).  So what do we do --- we all go to lunch and then have a large looper gathering on the dock beside our boat.

Lunch at Ford's Garage - Barb, Ross, Kathy, John, Becky, Mark,
(unknown), Angie, King, Sharon, us

Kathy, John, Becky, Mark

Old Ford that hangs in the restaurant

Jim, Rob, Ross, Jack, John

Dan and Mark

Glenda and Kathy

Barb, Angie

Becky and Mandy

Tricia, Wally, me, Sharon, King, Jack, Jane, Rob, Darcy, Jack

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