Monday, October 5, 2015

September 30-October 2, 2015 - Pickwick Lake

We left the anchorage at Diamond Island at 7:30 Wednesday and headed to Pickwick Lock.  We arrived at 8:30 and waited only a few minutes before we were told to come in.  It was the first time we had been in a lock by ourselves.  We came out of the lock and into beautiful Pickwick Lake.  There are some beautiful homes overlooking the lake.  We anchored off the lake at Dry Creek.  Since it was still early (around 10:00), we fixed some breakfast, took a dinghy ride, although the wind came up which shortened our ride.  We just spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying the scenery.  We got the cribbage board out and played a few games.  We (reluctantly) left our anchorage Thursday and headed the six miles across Pickwick Lake to Aqua Marina where Jack and Jane were waiting for us.  The first order of business was to get the courtesy car and head to Walmart.  We pulled out the chili for dinner that night - it seems to be a favorite of Jack and Jane.  On Friday, we took the courtesy car for a tour of the Shiloh National Military Park.  Our first stop was the auditorium to view of film of the battle of Shiloh.  We then took a driving tour around the battlefield.  (It was a little rainy so I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked.)  All along the way markers are posted in different colors and shapes denoting the different troops and the day (and time) of the battle.  As you are reading the signs, you are actually facing in the direction that the troops were facing at the time of battle.  The interesting fact about this battle is that it lasted only two days, was fought on a relatively small area of land, and had an incredible loss of life.  We were tired after fighting the battle at Shiloh, so we went to the marina restaurant for dinner.  We were entertained by a couple of guys around our age and who sang songs we actually knew.  Once again, though, what they lacked in talent, they made up for in enthusiasm.

Arriving at Pickwick Lock

 A cloudy Pickwick Lake

A lot of beautiful homes on the lake

More beautiful homes on the lake

Our anchorage at Pickwick Lake

The cove we anchored in - we're the little white dot at the back -
it was gorgeous

Our trip to Shiloh National Military Park
The Shiloh church
The board depicting the various signs around the battlefield
Part of a cemetery in front of the church

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