Monday, October 26, 2015

October 22-25, 2015 - Guntersville, Grand Harbor Marina

We spent two more days in Guntersville running errands and visiting with Jack and Jane.  Jane and I spent some time walking around the downtown stores of Guntersville.  The weather was great, so Jack got his jetski out and let us take it for a ride.  It felt great to ride a jetski again.  New Loopers Kit and Pam (Indigo Jayne) came into the marina Thursday.  They had just started the loop in Green Turtle.  We all had docktails together and then went out for dinner.  Saturday morning we said goodbye to Jane and Jack.  Hopefully they will make it to Mobile for our wake party.  We left Guntersville around 7:30 and made it through the lock with no waiting - a good start to the day.  We took two days to get to Grand Harbor Marina.  Saturday night we anchored out by the Wheeler Lock in a beautiful cove.  Early Sunday morning Jack saw 5 deer come down to the water for a drink.  We left our anchorage around 7:20 and by 10:00 we had made it through the Wheeler and Wilson Locks with very little waiting.  Since rain was headed our way (Tropical Storm Patricia), we decided to head into Grand Harbor Marina.  Once we were docked we met John and Cindy (Encore, also a 43' Hatteras).  We had docktails together and then toured both boats to check out the differences.  Since we were in a marina, we were able to plug in our cable and watch Sunday night TV.

Pam - Indigo Jayne

Great day for a jetski ride

Goodbye Jane and Jack

Leaving Guntersville - A little more color in the trees

Passing the painted rock - again

Getting the last view of the mountains

View from our anchorage on Wheeler Lake

Wilson Lake - more color

Last ride in the Wilson Lock - a 94 ft. lift
(the biggest lock we will be in)

It's starting to rain a little

I think Patricia has found us

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