Friday, October 16, 2015

October 14, 2015 - Tennessee Aquarium

We spent a good part of the day going through the Tennessee Aquarium.  The Aquarium covers two buildings - one an ocean journey and the other a river journey.  This is by far the best aquarium we have ever seen.  There were fish (many, many), beautiful butterflies, birds, penguins, gators, snakes (although we slid quickly by those displays).  Basically, all the wildlife that lives in or around the water.  There were many sizes of displays from a huge aquarium that took up about four stories to some very small ones showcasing some smaller fish.  The layout was easy to follow so you didn't miss anything.  Later that afternoon, Ken and Lois (Camelot) came into the dock which prompted docktails on our back deck with another local couple traveling on a houseboat.  Janice and Brian (Fugitive) came in around that time also.  We had not seen Fugitive or Camelot for a while, so it was nice reuniting with them. 

Tennessee Aquarium - river journey

Tennessee Aquarium - ocean journey

Beautiful stingrays

Hyacinth Macaw - world's largest parrot

One of the many butterflies in the butterfly area

Lots of different colors

I think he was posing for me

This one was a beautiful shade of blue

The penguins were pretty cute

Large turtle

Beautiful displays for the fish

There's a pretty large fish in the background

All the displays duplicated the natural environment

Couple of gators

More swimming turtles

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