Friday, October 16, 2015

October 13, 2015 - Lookout Mountain

We took a city bus to the Incline Railway that goes straight up to the top of Lookout Mountain.  The Incline Railway is known as "America's Most Amazing Mile" as it goes up Lookout Mountain at 72.7 degrees at the top (pretty steep). Once you climb out of the car (which was a little tricky), you are at the top of Lookout Mountain which is approximately 2,100 feet above sea level.  Besides the most amazing views you will ever see, this is the site of the Battle of Chattanooga.  We spent a few hours walking around the battlefield and looking at the views (the pictures will speak for themselves).  Fortunately it was fairly clear, so we got a good view of the surrounding area.

Entrance to the Incline Railway

Looking down about half way up the mountain

One of the many breathtaking views

Still working on our selfies

Here comes our train to take us back down

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