Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 17-19, 2015 - Guntersville

We left Goose Pond around 7:30 (in the cold weather) and arrived back in Guntersville at 9:50.  Jack and Jane were there to help us with our lines. We joined them at their yacht club that night and had a nice shrimp boil.  Saturday morning, we met some of their friends for breakfast and then drove to Huntsville for what is called "walking the cemetery."  We had never heard or been to anything like this.  There is a very old cemetery in Huntsville that dates back to the Civil War and many soldiers, politicians, etc. from that era are buried there.  Volunteers research some of these people and give about a 10-15 minute talk as if they were that person dressed as they would have been dressed for that period.  It was very interesting and very unique.  It is like a living history lesson of famous Huntsvillians buried there - from Alabama governors, soldiers from every war, a famous madam who left her brothel building and the land to the Huntsville Hospital.  That night we had a yummy dinner of salmon and Jack's famous Caesar salad.  Monday I took a long walk with Jane and her neighbor, Arlene, and Arlene's two dogs. 

Back to Guntersville - leaves are changing a little more each day

Lake Guntersville from the lodge at Guntersville State Park

Another view of the lake

Some of the performers at the cemetery
Character portraying Tallulah Bankhead - they are from Huntsville
and her mother is buried at this cemetery

There were a lot of people walking the cemetery

Arlene and her two dogs

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