Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 4-6, 2015 - Ditto Landing, Green Cove, Guntersville

We left Joe Wheeler around 8:30 Sunday for a beautiful trip on the Tennessee River.  The weather cleared and the sun finally came out and warmed up.  We thought we left all the beautiful scenery in Canada, but we were wrong.  The Tennessee River is absolutely beautiful.  We docked at Ditto Marina at 3:00 and had docktails that evening with Pearl, Melinda B, and Hallelujah.  We left Ditto around 8:30 Monday.  It was pretty foggy when we left, but it cleared soon after we were underway.  We got right in the Guntersville Lock (thanks to Pearl and Melinda B being ahead of us).  Today was also a little sad.  Guntersville is the home port for Jack and Jane and they are stopping here for a few months.  We will see a lot of them, but our looping days with them are over.  We traveled on to Goose Pond Marina (along with Melinda B and Pearl).  The rest of the day was laundry and a quiet evening of TV.  Tuesday morning, our repairman showed up early to check out the vibration we were having in the starboard engine.  After checking in the engine room, he determined we needed to be hauled out.  As soon as we were out of the water, we saw the colorful mass of lines that were tangled around our prop.  After cutting the lines away and changing the zincs (since we were out of the water anyway), we were back in the water by 9:00 and headed back to Guntersville.  We tied up at the Guntersville Marina and were met by Jack and Jane.  They took us on a tour of their home and the city, with a stop for lunch.  We had docktails and dinner at their home that night.  We're going to spend a few days here with them before heading to Chattanooga.

Passing Decatur, Alabama

One of the many beautiful sights along the Tennessee River

That's the foothills to the Appalachian Mountains in the background

Ditto Landing Marina

A little foggy this morning

The fog is starting to lift

More scenery (and blue sky)

This is called painted rock - all the colors are the natural
colors of the rocks

Goodbye Spirit - heading into the Guntersville Yacht Club

Entering Goose Pond Marina

No boat looks good out of the water

Pretty colorful mass of lines

Heading back into Guntersville - beautiful homes along Guntersville Lake

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