Monday, October 5, 2015

October 3, 2015 - Joe Wheeler State Park

Brrrr.  It was 52 deg. this morning when we left Aqua Harbor. We crossed the Alabama line and headed to two locks - Wilson and Wheeler.  The Wilson lock is the largest lock we will go through - 97 foot lift.  For two years we have come to the AGLCA Fall Rendezvous at Joe Wheeler State Park - in our car (Jack and Jane have come four years).  We looked at all the Looper boats and said "one day this will be us."  We ate several meals at the Florence marina restaurant watching the boats travel the Tennessee River and said "one day this will be us."  Well, this was the day!  We passed the Florence Marina and docked at Joe Wheeler around 4:00, in a light rain.  Of course, there was no Rendezvous going on, but that wasn't important.  It was exciting to finally dock our boat there and go into the restaurant for dinner.  There was an outdoor wedding going on (brrrrr) and the getaway vehicle was a decorated bass boat (we must be in Alabama!).

Another cold and cloudy day
Entering the Wilson Lock
Spirit looks pretty tiny against that wall
That's a large lock wall!

Florence Marina on the Tennessee River

A view of the docks and resort in the background

Another view of Nearly Perfect at the dock

Joe Wheeler State Park

An Alabama wedding!

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