Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 7-8, 2015 - Barnegat Bay, Staten Island

The weather had improved so we decided to leave Cape May.  Jane and I made a quick trip to the grocery store and at 8:20 we pulled out of our slip along with Spirit for what turned out to be a very nice but rocky and rolly day on the Atlantic Ocean.  After a pretty tense (really tense) entry through the jetty at Barnegat Bay with current hitting us from all sides, we anchored at 4:15 and relaxed for the evening.  We left Barnegat Bay at 5:30 (to try to beat some storms) and arrived at Great Kills, Staten Island around 11:15.  The trip that day was a little calmer.  It took a while to get settled into our slips - everyone had to move a few times.  We then spent the afternoon relaxing and doing laundry.  We docked next to King and Sharon (Blue Moon) and we all had a nice dinner together.

Sunrise over Barnegat Bay

Along the Jersey shore

Traveling with Spirit

Atlantic City

Coming into a foggy New York

Docked at Great Kills Yacht Club

My afternoon entertainment

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