Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 28-29, 2017 - James River, Chickahominy River

David recommended an anchorage in the Chickahominy River, so we went up the James River to the Chickahominy River and anchored about four hours later in a great area.  As we traveled up the James River, we thought about the first settlers 400 years ago that traveled up this same river.  I hope it was as beautiful then as it is now (except for the stately homes and lush green lawns that extend down to the river).  When we pulled into the anchorage, another boat was already there.  It didn't have a looper flag so we didn't pay much attention to it.  A little later, we heard someone calling to us from a dinghy outside our boat.  Turns out, the other boat was a looper boat and we had actually seen them at our stop at Coinjock.  Dan and Donna (Syzygy) came aboard for a quick docktail.  They never imagined they would run into loopers that far up.  We woke up Monday to a beautiful, sunny day.  We took the dinghy down and took a nice trip further up the Chickahominy River.  The area was really beautiful.  We saw a few eagles flying around.  The only problem was since it was Memorial Day, there were a lot of pleasure boats nearby and they seemed to delight in going close to the boat and kicking up a wake.  We were having a few problems with the generator, so we left the anchorage in the afternoon and went about 20 miles back to the James River, where we had been on Saturday.  This got us a little closer for a run to a marina on Tuesday.  This anchorage was not as pretty, but it was very quiet. 

Donna and Dan (Syzygy)

Scenes along the Chickahominy River

There's an eagle's nest toward the top of the wrecked crane

We celebrated Memorial Day by buying a new flag for the boat

The view from our anchorage

Another view

The beach area starting to fill up with boaters

Passing Jamestown - you can barely see the ships in the background
The original Jamestown settlement
This is a boat graveyard along the James River

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