Monday, May 15, 2017

May 12-15, 2017 - Mile Hammock Bay, Broad Creek, Dowry Creek Marina, Alligator River Marina

We left Southport around 7:45 and were met with clouds, chilly weather, and choppy seas (about 4-5 footers) for about the first hour.  The seas eventually calmed down but the weather remained cloudy and cool.  This was our day for bridges.  Bridges with a 20' clearance require an opening and most only open on the hour or each half hour, so timing is important in getting to the bridges.  The first bridge of the day, the Wrightsville Bridge, only opens on the hour.  We got there at 8:30, so we had to wait 30 minutes to get through.  After that our wait times were only about 10-15 minutes.  We also saw a lot of dolphins today, the first time in quite a while.  We anchored at Mile Hammock Bay around 3:45.  Randy and Michelle (Journey) also joined us, along with John and Sally (Colorado Cowboy).  This anchorage is in the middle of the Camp Lejeune Marine base, so we were entertained the rest of the afternoon with the Ospreys flying over the boat.  We left our anchorage Saturday morning around 7:30 to make an 8:00 bridge opening.  After that it was smooth sailing, although it was still cloudy and cold.  We were supposed to have some storms but we, again, lucked out.  By the time we anchored at Broad Creek, the sun was out.  Journey was still traveling with us, and Randy made enchiladas for our docktails.  They are also from Texas so this was a nice reminder of a Texas meal.  Sunday we woke up to bright sunshine.  We left our anchorage around 8:00 and had a nice run to Dowry Creek Marina.  We borrowed the courtesy car to make a grocery run, and then spent the rest of the day at the marina.  Randy again made dinner for us - jambalaya - which was delicious.  We left Dowry Creek around 8:00 on Monday and had a beautiful trip up the Alligator River, at least until about the last two hours when the wind picked up and the waters were chopping.  The Alligator River Marina is known for two things -- its owner, Miss Wanda, and their fried chicken.  So, once we were settled we (Journey was still traveling with us) all went in for a late lunch of yummy fried chicken.  We later gathered a group of people for docktails on the back deck - Randy and Michelle (Journey), David and Kim (Skinnydipper), Ron and Suzy (Panacea), Tamara and Kim (Nice Transom).

The Ospreys were flying directly over the boat

Most of the time there were two or three of them --
and they were very loud

Michell and Randy (Journey) and Sally and John (Colorado Cowboy)
leaving after docktails

Part of the shooting range for Camp Lejeune -
they shoot across the ICW (the ICW is closed when they
are shooting so you have to check their schedule)

Kind of a cloudy day

Some of the homes along the North Carolina waterway
Wow - a bright sunrise (finally)

Our neighbors at our Broad Creek anchorage

We were surrounded by jellyfish in our anchorage
Beautiful  scenery

Dowry Creek Marina
Dowry Creek Marina - we're the boat on the far right
Jambalaya for dinner
Our traveling buddy - Journey
(they have TWO scooters on top)
Beautiful Alligator River
Yummy chicken lunch
Alligator River Marina -- Shell station on the right/
marina on the left (you're out in the country here)
Docktail group - (from left) Michelle, Suzy, Ron, Tamara, Kim
The other half of the group - Kim (with Salt), Jack, David, Randy

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