Tuesday, May 2, 2017

April 28-May 1, 2017 - Georgetown

We left Beaufort and had intended to just go around the corner to anchor and watch the Blue Angels, but we didn't think we could see much so we kept going and anchored around 2:30 at Church Creek.  It was another nice, peaceful anchorage and two sailboats that we passed also came in to anchor for the night.  We left our anchorage Saturday morning around 8:00 and headed passed Charleston.  Since we stopped there two years ago, we passed by it this time.  The harbor was very busy and north of Charleston we ran into a lot of weekend boaters.  I made bread in my new breadmaker and we had sandwiches with homemade bread for lunch.  By the time we got some fuel and anchored at Five Fathom Creek, the wind had really picked up.  Sunday we left our anchorage around 7:30 and headed to Georgetown.  Nvr II Nauti fell in behind us and met us in Georgetown.  We docked at the free dock around 11:30 and wandered through town for a while.  Georgetown is the third oldest city in South Carolina and a lot of the homes are dated from the late 1700's to the early 1800's.  Since it was Sunday, most of the stores and museums were closed.  We were, however, entertained in the afternoon by a lovely concert by the Low Country Orchestra (high school kids and older) on the lawn of the Kaminski House Museum (a single family home dating back to the 1700's, but now has been turned into a museum).  After the concert, we left our dock (it was only a day dock) and pulled around the corner to anchor out for the night.  Nvr II Nauti rafted with us since his winless was not working.  Monday we left Georgetown at 8:30 for a 2-1/2 hour trip to our next anchorage at Sandhole Creek.  Since we were supposed to have some heavy wind and rain that night, this anchorage provided a lot of protection.  Our scenery has changed as we have left the Low Country behind and our anchorage was in the middle of a wildlife refuge.  The only noise was from the frogs and birds.  Tomorrow we will head to Myrtle Beach for a week.

The best thing about anchoring - the beautiful sunrises
(and sunsets)

Our neighbors in the anchorage

One of the many beautiful homes along a narrow channel leading
into Charleston

Busy Charleston Harbor with a very big sailboat docked

Busy, busy harbor

My first attempt at making bread
(it was pretty good)

Fort Sumter from the Harbor

Busy, busy area north of Charleston

Bell Clock Tower can be seen all along the Georgetown waterfront

This house dates back to 1891

This house dates back to 1740

Prince George Winyah Episcopal Church
est. 1721

The old graveyard behind the church

Docked at the free day dock

Low Country Orchestra performing on the lawn of
the Kaminski House Museum

It was a great afternoon to sit under the huge oak
trees and listen to the music

Rafted with Nvr II Nauti

The Georgetown water front

Mommy and daddy Osprey tending their nest
(you can just barely make out a head to the left of the light)

Our anchorage at Sandhole Creek

Part of the wildlife refuge from our dinghy ride

1 comment:

  1. Nice trip and good information about Georgetown. Thanks
