Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 19-21, 2017 - Elizabeth City-Coinjock

When we first came into Elizabeth City, we had only planned to stay for two days.  However, the friendly lady at the Visitor's Center said we should stay for the big Potato Festival this weekend and staying on the dock would be no problem.  It sounded fun, so we decided to stay.  However, on Wednesday, signs were posted that we had to vacate our dock space by Friday at noon.  We complained to everyone who would listen, but to no avail.  The Coast Guard was putting on a demonstration where we were docked.  The problem was a definite lack of communication.  So, on Friday we untied our lines and went over to Pelican Marina.  Everyone took a day off from golf and we did some chores around the boat.  We all went out to dinner and followed that up with a stop at DQ.  Saturday, Jan and Buddy picked us up to go to a strawberry farm.  However, instead of crawling around picking strawberries, we bought some already picked.  After a stop at a farmers market and the grocery store, it was time for day 3 on the golf course (I think we've created a monster here in Elizabeth City!).  It was another great day, and, after some sweet talking and cleaning of his clubs, Danny was able to improve his score.  Dinner that night was provided by Buddy and Jan and it was delicious.  Jan brought a delicious strawberry pie that she bought at the strawberry farm, although she told Danny she had made the pie just for him (and he believed her)! The weather during the day turned cool and cloudy which cancelled fireworks that were scheduled as part of the Potato Festival.  Sunday it was time to leave Elizabeth City.  We pulled away from the dock around 9:00 and docked at Coinjock around 1:00.  It was cloudy, cool and windy all day.  Coinjock is a marina known for the prime rib it serves in its restaurant.  When you make your slip reservation, you also reserve your prime rib dinner -- either 16 oz. or 32 oz.  The Elizabeth City trio (Danny, Buddy and Jan) drove over to have a final dinner with us.  Ed and Joan (Dolce Vita) also came in and joined us for dinner.  After we ate, it was time to say goodbye to the trio.  We had a great time during our stay in Elizabeth City.  They either drove us around or gave us a car, and we spent many hours just sitting around laughing.  We missed June, but look forward to our return trip in the fall.

Docked at the Elizabeth City free dock

The Potato Festival from our new slip at the marina

More of the Potato Festival

Day 3 - getting ready to tee off

They're trying to avoid the water

Buddy was hitting the ball so hard he knocked the soles off his shoes

More hitting and hunting - although today we found the original
ball and an additional one

The official scorekeeper

It's tough being the scorekeeper
(especially with this group)

This is a low budget golf course - these are the grounds keepers

Waiting for the PGA to call
Dessert was a fresh strawberry pie from the strawberry farm
Our prime rib dinner at Coinjock

Dinner with Joan and Ed (Dolce Vita)

Coinjock Marina - the boats are parked along a long face dock

We're tightly docked between two other boats

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