Friday, April 28, 2017

April 26-27, 2017 - Beaufort, SC

We left Savannah around 8:00 for a 4.5 hour trip to Station's Creek where we anchored for the night.  It was a nice anchorage, although a little windy.  We took a quick dinghy ride and just relaxed the rest of the day.  On Thursday, we left our anchorage around 8:00 for a quick trip to Beaufort (South Carolina; not to be confused with Beaufort, North Carolina - names are pronounced differently).  About 45 minutes after we got settled, we looked out and saw Shell Belle pull in.  Our first activity of the day was taking a horse drawn carriage ride through the historic area of the city.  We didn't do that two years ago when we were here.  The tour was very interesting and the old houses were beautiful.  One note we learned from the tour is that everyone thinks Forrest Gump was filmed in Savannah, but most of the movie was filmed in Beaufort. During the filming, a "Mississippi River" sign was put up across the bridge and then left there after the filming to confuse the tourists!  Another bonus to the day was that the Blue Angels were in town for a weekend show and we were able to watch a few of them fly overhead.  We later had docktails with Jim and Mandy, and John and Pam (Jo-Ella - they had stopped in Niceville last November on their way east so it was fun to see them again).  We had two more join us as we all left for dinner - Paul and Caryn (Seeker).  We had a great dinner and then finished the night off with a little Tennessee Honey. It was fun to have a Looper gathering.

Our Station's Creek anchorage

Another view - we are still in the Low Country

A few of the beautiful homes of Beaufort
(the second oldest city in South Carolina)

The big oak trees are absolutely beautiful

This is called pastel row because each house is a light, pastel color

Nice horsey

The park along the river front - there are restaurants all along the walk

There are a lot of nice swings overlooking the water

Another view of the park
That tiny little speck is one of the Blue Angels flying by

Dinner with Paul, Caryn, Mandy, Jim, us, John and Pam

A final toast of Tennessee Honey with Caryn, Paul, Mandy and Jim
(a good time was had by all)

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