Monday, April 24, 2017

April 20-22, 2017 - Wahoo River, Turners Rock

We met Jim, Tracy and Don for breakfast before leaving Brunswick.  We then left Brunswick for another great day on the water.  Our weather continues to be great and we enjoyed the winding ICW through the marsh lands of Georgia.  We anchored at Wahoo River, at the recommendation of Tricia and Rob.  It was a very peaceful and relaxing anchorage and we stayed two days.  Jim and his crew on Nvr II Nauti arrived shortly after we did and they all came over for some docktails.  We spent our two days doing a few chores but mostly reading, catching up on taped TV shows, and listening to all the birds.  With no city lights around, the stars are very bright at night.  We pulled up our anchor Saturday morning and headed a little closer to Savannah.  We anchored at Turners Rock, took the dinghy down, found a dinghy dock, and walked to a close-by Publix.  Since it was Saturday, there was a lot of  recreational boat traffic around us.  Tomorrow we head into Savannah.

One funny little story -- when we travel with another boat (today it was Nvr II Nauti), we usually put our hand-held radio on another channel so we can communicate without aggravating the Coast Guard.  Suddenly on this channel, we heard a police broadcast about an armed robber, who ran into a marina, hit the owner of a boat with something silver, and then took off in the boat.  The police were giving the location of the boat and we realized it was the river just parallel to us on the ICW and he was heading our way.  We were surprised they were broadcasting on a public channel but got pretty excited thinking we might see a police chase.  We watched an unmarked boat go by several times with police on board.  Jack even went so far as to get our gun out!  We even warned a boater behind us to monitor that channel.  After a while, we realized it was just an exercise!  After the disappointment and laughter subsided, we put the gun up and continued on our journey!

Our anchorage at Wahoo River

Another view

Docktails with Jim, Tracy and Don

Green box and street lamp sitting on the edge of
this little island - have no idea what it's for but
the light comes on after dark

Another view from the anchorage - getting a little windy

The sun setting behind Nearly Perfect
(thanks Jim for the picture)

Our GPS showing how the ICW winds its way through the
marsh lands

View from our anchorage at Turners Rock

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo anchorage is wonderful we also spent two days there. Love the pictures and how you keep up with the blog on regularly.
