Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 24-25, 2017 - Savannah

We spent most of Monday recuperating and doing a few chores around the boat.  We had an electrician come to check out one of the air conditioners.  We borrowed the courtesy car and made a quick trip to Publix in the afternoon, and had some docktails with the boat behind us, Walrus (we had seen it at the marina at Jekyll Island).  I had met Phil and Janet earlier in the day in the laundry room, so we had a nice visit with them.  They are from Houston and both went to SMU.  Small world.  Tuesday, after a good night's rest, we headed back into Savannah.  Our first stop was Mrs. Wilke's Dining Room.  This place is so popular that people start lining up at 10:00 in the morning to get a seating for this meal which starts at 11:00.  The food is served family style (10 people to a table) and is already on the table when you sit down.  The food was delicious, and we enjoyed talking to our group.  Next stop was a Segway tour.  This was Jack's first time on a Segway and I, again, was able to complete the tour without crashing.  It was a fun way to see some of the historic sites up close and personal.  After our tour, we headed into downtown and had a delicious ice cream cone at Leopold's. This place was founded by 3 immigrant brothers in 1919.  All the ice cream is made in their store.  The current owner, Stratton Leopold, was also a famous producer in Hollywood for a number of years, but eventually returned to his store in Savannah.  After that we went back to the City Market area filled with restaurants, stores, and, of course, more ice cream and candy.  The highlight of the day, however, was running into a man (and his wife) who was wearing a nice, neat Longhorn shirt (I was sorry I left mine at the boat) and who just happened to be from Houston. Another small world.

Walrus taking off for Hilton Head

A little later Shell Belle passed us
(we've been leap frogging with them all along the coast)

First stop, Mrs. Wilke's Dining Room
(the line started forming at 10:00; we got
there at 10:25)

Our eating group - look at all that food
(oops I cut the last two out of the picture)

The rest of our dining room (there are 1 or 2 more rooms)

We had a great waitress who was eager to
bring food whenever we wanted it

The back of their shirts was cute
(and they're right - the fried chicken was delicious)

More of the many beautiful homes
(they would probably look older if there were older 
cars parked in front)

Our orientation

We made it this far

Of course there's always a stop for ice creams

Some of the posters depicting movies Mr. Leopold directed

A line to get in for lunch, and a line to get in for ice cream

The oak trees were absolutely beautiful

This is the Pink House
(a very high-end restaurant)

The City Market

And more candy!!

We watched them make taffy

and pralines

and package the taffy
(they threw us one off the line)

Wow - who would expect to find Longhorn napkins in Georgia!

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