Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 23, 2017 - Savannah

We left our anchorage early and were tied up at Thunderbolt Marina by 10:30 where we will spend 3 days.  We took a quick walk along the river, found a breakfast place, and then decided to go into Savannah for the day.  We took an Uber into town and spent the rest of the day getting on and off a tour bus in the historic part of Savannah.  We took one complete trip around and then the second time got off at several locations.  The historic district is beautiful and is laid out in blocks with several parks along the way.  We took a stroll through Forsyth Park, a very beautiful park with a huge fountain in the middle (only 3 like it in the world).  Since it was Sunday, it was filled with people and dogs.  We then walked over to the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.  There are no pictures or words that can describe the breathtaking beauty inside the Cathedral.  Jack said he had never been in such a big church.  There are quite a few historic homes in the area  - a few being the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low (Founder of the Girl Scouts) and the Mercer House (built by Johnny Mercer's grandfather).  After all the touring and the history, we hit the River District and stopped at Lizzies for a margarita.  We walked around the shops in the area and discovered that Savannah has a lot of candy stores and, of course, ice cream stores.  We eventually ended up in the City Market area where we found a little burger joint for some dinner.  After all that, we were exhausted and called Uber to take us home.  On a side note - this marina is very nice, the people friendly, AND they deliver 6 Krispy Kreme donuts every morning!

Our home for the next three days

View overlooking the ICW - the marina is on the upper far right
of the picture

Fountain in Forsyth Park

A few of the many beautiful homes

Voted the most beautiful street in Georgia

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

The picture is dark, but this is a view of the organ pipes

Note the curved staircase - the men went up one
side and the women the other

Also notice the opening and bar on the third step on the left -
this is where men scraped the heels of their shoes
before entering the houses

After all that history, it was time for a margarita
And then there was the candy store

And then there was more candy
(the chocolate factory in St. Augustine looked pretty slim
compared to this place)

The Georgia Queen paddle boat

This container ship took up most of the waterway

These steps lead from the River District back up to the main part of town
(whew it was a long climb)

Looking back down to the river

City Hall - the steeple is solid gold
(a donation from a citizen)

This is the park where Tom Hanks sat on the bench
in Forrest Gump
(the actual bench is in the museum)

1 comment:

  1. Your description and photos of Savanah have put visiting there in the fall.
