Saturday, April 8, 2017

April 4-7, 2017 - Black Creek

We had some pretty bad storms Monday night when we got back to Jacksonville, but finally the work was finished on Tuesday and we were back in the water by late morning.  We still had the rental car, so we took a road trip to Green Cove Springs to visit our mail service.  After running additional errands, we settled in for the night.  We left Huckins about 9:30 Wednesday morning for a 25 mile trip south to Black Creek.  After settling in, we took the dinghy down and took about a 10 mile trip up the Black Creek.  The scenery was absolutely beautiful.  Just us and mother nature.  Friday we took a dinghy ride to Peters Creek.  Along Peters Creek we saw a large gator, several turtles and lots of birds. We had a great three days just relaxing among the trees and various animals.  Tomorrow we head back to Jacksonville to wait for the girls to join us for their week of spring break.

Putting on the finishing touches before going back into the water

We could practically make eye contact with the passengers on the Amtrak
trains (do you know how loud they are at 2:00 AM?)

Finally, back in the water

Our anchorage at Black Creek

Our dinghy trip up the Black Creek

We just can't get away from those Amtrak trains!

Views of the anchorage

Early morning calm

Getting the dinghy ready for another ride

Peters Creek

At anchor

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