Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 8-11, 2015 - Killarney

After watching the weather on Saturday for a while, we finally left Big Sound Marina (Parry Sound) and headed to Shawanaga Bay.  Our flotilla now consisted of 6 boats - we added Tranquility (Dan and Sue) and Coeur de Lion (Richard and Nicole from Montreal).  There are supposed to be 30,000 islands in the northern Georgian Bay and I think we zigged and zagged around at least 5,000 of them on our way to our first anchorage.  It was a beautiful day and the scenery, again, was beautiful.  We anchored in time for docktails (of course) aboard Patriot.  We left Shawanaga Bay around 8:00 Sunday and spent a good part of the day in the open Georgian Bay which was very calm.  We anchored at the Bustards around 1:30, and took a dinghy ride around the inlets and outlets in the area, including another attempt at some rock climbing.  We left Bustards around 8:00 Monday morning for a rainy trip across Georgian Bay and into Collins Inlet, which is a very narrow fiord with high rock walls on each side.  Even in the rain it was beautiful.  When our flotilla docked in Killarney, Patriot (Chuck and Vicky) had crossed their wake which meant another champagne celebration and dinner.  We spent Tuesday just doing errands and then we took a nice dinghy ride around the coves in the area.  Again, more beautiful scenery and big rock mountains.  We ended the day with a nice potluck dinner (in between dodging rain).

And then there were 6 of us - Field Trip, Patriot and Spirit in the lead

Tranquility and Coeur de Lion bringing up the rear

Our anchorage in Shawanaga Bay

Happy hour aboard Patriot

The day complete with a beautiful sunset

More of the 30,000 islands

Lighthouse at the entrance to one of the bays

Richard and Nicole - our French Canadians from Montreal

View from the rocks on the dinghy ride

Yes, those are mountains in the background

Jack's taxi service for happy hour aboard Coeur de Lion

And another beautiful sunset

Entering the Collins Inlet

Narrow Collins inlet

A rainy view of the Collins Inlet

The gold flag ceremony for Chuck and Vicky (Patriot)

and a celebratory dinner

All our Looper boats side by side

The Sportsman's Inn in Killarney
(our boats were docked across the channel and we took the
Tinker Bell taxi across)

And another beautiful sunset

A pair of Jacks checking out our antenna

Beautiful view from the dinghy

A totem pole in front of a little cabin

Another view from the dinghy

Big cliff - little boat

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