Tuesday, August 18, 2015

August 14-16, 2015 - Little Current, Gore Bay, Cockburn Island

We left The Pool around 8:00 and docked in Little Current at 11:30.  Patriot stayed behind to do more hiking, but we were rejoined at Little Current by Palmetto Paradise.   We spent the afternoon cleaning and grocery shopping.  We then went to happy hour at the Anchor Bar which is the sponsor of the Cruiser Network, and then had dinner there.  As we left the restaurant, there were local musicians performing across the street so we sat and enjoyed the entertainment.  What they lacked in talent, they made up for in enthusiasm.  Saturday morning the boys went to breakfast while the girls wandered through the farmer’s market and downtown stores (not much to the little town).  We then left Little Current at 11:00 and docked at Gore Bay at 3:30.  The water was smooth and the weather great.   It was nice to be in open waters again and not have to worry about rocks lurking above and below the surface.  We turned on the auto pilot, our boom box, and listened to music on our nice ride over to Gore Bay.  On Sunday, we left Gore Bay around 11:00 and anchored at Cockburn Bay at about 4:00 – just in time for happy hour and dinner.  The wind was up a little today, so there was a little chop to the water, but still a nice run.  We drank a toast to our last night in Canada.   We were all a little sad to be leaving Canada.  We had a great time here.  The country was absolutely beautiful and the people were delightful.  They enjoyed hearing about our trip and we enjoyed hearing about how they managed the cold winters up here!

Leaving beautiful Baie Fine
(Spirit, Field Trip, and us)

One more look at the rocks

Entering the channel by Little Current

Our evening entertainment in Little Current

Even Jane and Jack got into the swing of things

Nice open waters to Gore Bay

Nice ride

Sunrise over Gore Bay

All tucked together at Cockburn Island

Toasting our last night in Canada
Martha (hidden), Jane, Jack, Jack, Bob, Jim, and Paula (hidden)

Last sunset in Canada

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