Saturday, August 15, 2015

August 12-13, 2015 - Baie Fine, The Pool

After fueling up and pumping out, we left Killarney Wednesday around 9:15 and traveled across Frazer Bay to Baie Fine, a narrow inlet leading to The Pool.  As we were approaching the Pool, another Looper boat passed us and turned around to come back to join us.  They had been looking for other boats to travel with (Jim and Paula, Palmetto Paradise).  They had spent the night before at the Pool.  So, since he knew the way, he led us further back in than we would have gone.  After rafting all five boats together, we took the dinghys over to a trail leading up to Frazer Lake.  We once again ran into Salty (Jonathon and Rosa).  It was a nice hike and a beautiful view once we got there.  We all had docktails on Spirit (joined again by Richard and Nicole, Coeur de Lion), then adjourned for dinner to our respective boats.   Thursday we packed a lunch and took the dinghys back over to the trails. This time we took a different trail and ate lunch in a nice quiet place overlooking another lake.
Goodbye Killarney

Going into Baie Fine

Approaching the Pool

Jim pulling his boat into the big raft

All five boats neatly tucked close to shore

A hike up to Frazer Lake (a lot of it was rock)

Rest time - Jack, Jack, Paula, Jim and Jane

Gorgeous Frazer Lake

Another view of Frazer Lake

View from the bow of our boat

Day 2 hike

Lunch overlooking the lake

Photo op - Jack, Rosa, Jonathon (in front)
Jane, Jack, Vicky (kneeling) and Chuck

On our way down

Close view of the beautiful rocks

1 comment:

  1. This looks like an awesome trip. Please tell Jack that Russ and Sherry from TMEC say hi!
