Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015 - Kennedy Space Center

We walked into Titusville again this morning for a good breakfast.  Ernie, from the sailboat across from us, offered to drive us out to the Space Center which we really appreciated.  We first took a bus tour out to the Apollo displays where we saw the actual mission control for the Apollo programs plus an actual Apollo module on display.  We watched a film showing the actual conversations in mission control during a launch.   Another building was totally dedicated to Atlantis (the last shuttle).  There was an interesting film regarding the background of the shuttle program and the flight of Atlantis.  At the end of the film a curtain lifted to show the actual shuttle.  A truly awesome sight.  It was suspended from the ceiling with wires with the cargo bay door open showing the inside of the shuttle and showing how the robotic arm swung out from the shuttle.  All the films and exhibits were extremely interesting and educational. Of course, we lived through all of this but it was fun to learn a lot of the background surrounding the entire shuttle program.  The entire Space Center was extremely impressive. The grand finale of the day was watching a rocket launch from the bridge of the boat.  Of course, we had to stay up until 11:00 to see it!  At first the ground lit up, then a bright ball shot up from the earth. After about a minute, we heard the rumble of the engines.  It was very exciting and a great end to a great day!

Kennedy Space Center

Those engines are really big

Actual Apollo 8 capsule

Launch site for tonight's rocket launch

Vehicle Assembly Building

Entrance to the Atlantis exhibit

Actual Atlantis

Rocket park

Experiencing the G force (plus it was fun)

Our view of the rocket launch from the bridge


and higher

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