Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 6-10, 2015 - Vero Beach

We said goodbye to Ross and Barb Friday morning.  We had traveled with them since January 25 in Fort Myers Beach.  We had a great time and we will miss them but hope to see them when we are in Michigan.  We only had about 4 hours to Vero Beach.  We had to slow down passing several boats and people in the water and found out they were doing dolphin recovery and surgery.  The weather was very calm when we left, but was pretty windy when we got close to Vero Beach.  Loggerhead Marina was very nice with a captain's lounge, laundry, and heated pool. When we arrived, we did some cleaning and waited for Mark and Susan (the previous owners of Squivot/Nearly Perfect).  They surprised us with a new Squivot sitting two boats up from us -- a 61 foot Hatteras. We enjoyed docktails every night with many of the people on the dock.  The marina held a breakfast on Saturday morning where we met more of the residents.  It was cool and rainy most of the day, so some of the girls got together for a card game at the clubhouse.  Sunday we drove to Port St. Lucie to see Mark and Susan's RV and their RV park.  On Monday, Susan, Patty (Nautical Dreamer) and I went for pedis in the afternoon.  It was a fun girl's outing.  We had an excellent prime rib dinner at Bobby's that night.  Tuesday was chore day.  Jack spent most of his day with the diesel mechanic and an electrician.  Jack got the needed pump Tuesday morning and the diesel mechanic had it installed and running in no time.  We were not so lucky with the inverter.  The electrician could not get it working, so they had to take it out.  Susan took me to Publix (once again) for provisions.  We had dinner with Mark and Susan and then prepared to leave the next morning.  All the people we have met made our stay here very pleasant.

Saying goodbye to Ross and Barb

Dolphin rescue and surgery

Mark and Susan on the new Squivot

Mark and Susan's RV

Jack and Mark under the tiki hut

Time for pedis

The pool at Loggerhead Marina

Dinner at Bobby's

Former Squivot

New Squivot

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